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The World of Navabharat

“Navabharat" a 90-year-prestigious premiere publishing house in Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha with 20 editions in 4 states and 3 languages and an impressive growth record and work environment, is looking for dynamic, versatile, and goal-oriented candidates. It is an achievement for you to be applying to Navabharat, one of Central India's most respected media houses with a rich heritage of journalistic excellence.

Our Core Values

Why You Should Join Us

To excel in your career, we have built a stress-free work culture backed by the following pillars:

  • Career Opportunities

  • Talent

  • Acceptance

  • Determination

  • Leadership

  • Retention

Current Openings

Explore Our Vacancies

The Navabharat team is thrilled to have you and looks forward to achieving great success together.

UIUX Developer

Job Description

  • Extensive experience WordPress, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, REST API, Solr, Linux, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
  • Knowledge of AWS is plus.
  • Develop required module within the required time frame.
  • Provide guidance for new tools and technologies to be incorporated into the organization to increase their digital marketing presence.

Key Skills:

WordPress, LINUX, Leverage analytic tools to provide reporting and insights, track and improve metrics, and influence testing and strategy.

  • Qualification

    Graduate with equivalent certification course the tools required

  • Experience(yrs)

    3-4 years

  • Location


Product Lead - Digital Media

Job Description

Act as the business owner for our products, possessing a complete understanding of internal and external variables that impact the business.

• Lead a team and provide thorough leadership and guidance.

• Develop a detailed understanding of the product development and go-to-market process for the business, as well as the factors that drive success within each segment of their business.

• Have a thorough understanding of the content and social media industry, seasonality and global trends/events, and continually monitor competitor/industry developments.

• Have a complete understanding of the customer needs, both existing and potential.

• Create business plans for new opportunities and develop and execute project plans for the launch of new features, incorporating merchandising and more.

• Provide content and leadership to engineering and technology teams to help render the product.

• Coordinate with cross-functional teams, and communicate with internal and external parties, while meeting tight deadlines.

• Conduct financial analysis of business opportunities to meet and exceed revenue and profitability targets.

Key Skills:

  • Qualification

    Post Graduate with equivalent certification course the tools required

  • Experience(yrs)

    7-10 yrs

  • Location


Sr. Content Writer

Job Description

  • Create, Writes, Develops, Edits and Publishes Content on the Websites.

  • Handling the Shifts and Assign the News and Articles for Team Members.

  • Weekly Planning of Special and Curative content for Website.

  • Ability to Understand and Write Good Digital Content on Political, Sports, Entertainment and National topics according to requirement of  website.

  • Special, Unique and Curative Content Writing on Allotted Sections and Topics.

  • Keeping Eyes on Trending and Viral Topics of Related categories.

  • Helping Junior Content Writers in Content Writing.

Key Skills:

Creative Thinking.
  • Qualification

    Bachelor's/Master’s Degree in Communications, Journalism

  • Experience(yrs)

    5-7 Years

  • Location


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Voices of New India

Navabharat is where diverse talents come together to learn the print business, think independently, and push their limits. It significantly enhances each employee's professional growth and helps them realize their true potential. I cherish my time here and look forward to many more years contributing to Navabharat's success.

'नवभारत' एक ऐसा महाब्रांड है जो आपके जीवन में एक सुखद सपने की तरह आता है| बचपन में जो पहला समाचार-पत्र घर में नजर आया वहां से लेकर करियर बनाने तक जिस ब्रान्ड ने मार्गदर्शक की भूमिका निभाई, नवभारत की वजह से जीवन और भी रोमांचित हो गया है| सफ़र शुरू हुआ रिपोर्टर से| आज रेसिडेंट एडिटर के पद पर होना एक अलग ही गौरव की अनुभूति देता है|

Navabharat nurtures diverse talents, teaching the real print business, independent thinking, creativity, and pushing beyond comfort zones. In one year here, I've cherished the memories and professional growth. Working with skilled professionals and leaders has been a pleasure. I look forward to many more years contributing to Navabharat's growth.

Navabharat is a promising media company offering numerous opportunities, especially for those driven by passion. The learning and upskilling I've experienced here, coupled with a great workplace culture, have been invaluable. Employee satisfaction is directly linked to profitability, and I'm thrilled to be a part of this organization.

'Navabharat' is a company that truly invests in its employees' futures. The continuous learning opportunities and forward-thinking initiatives have prepared me for the ever-evolving industry landscape. I’m excited about what the future holds here.

दो दशक तक 'नवभारत' के साथ जुड़कर तकनीकी क्रांति के बदलावों का साक्षी बनना गर्व की बात है। 90 के दशक की कंप्यूटर खोज से लेकर वर्तमान की डिजिटल क्रांति तक, 'नवभारत' की टेक्निकल टीम और प्री-प्रेस का हिस्सा बनना मुझे विशेषज्ञ बना चुका है।

Being part of Navabharat has been a unique privilege. From reading its detailed reports to being involved in its innovative journey, Navabharat has significantly boosted my career growth and widened my horizons. Its impact is evident in my professional career.

Navabharat is an exceptional media brand to join, known for its collaborative environment, commitment to excellence, and innovative approach to journalism. It offers immense growth opportunities, a supportive team, and a platform to make a meaningful impact in the media industry.

जब मैंने 'नवभारत' में काम शुरू किया, मुझे नहीं पता था कि यह अनुभव इतना समृद्ध होगा। वर्षों से, यहां की टीम ने मुझे समर्थन और प्रेरणा दी है, जिससे मेरी पेशेवर यात्रा बेहद संतोषजनक रही है। हर दिन नई चुनौतियों और अवसरों के साथ आता है, और नवभारत में काम करना हमेशा एक सीखने का अनुभव होता है। मैं सभी को इस अद्वितीय संगठन का हिस्सा बनने की सलाह देती हूं।

'Navabharat' stands out as a beacon of professionalism and innovation. The structured and dynamic work environment has significantly contributed to my career growth. I highly recommend 'Navabharat' to anyone seeking a fulfilling and progressive career.

I can confidently say that 'Navabharat' is a forward-thinking company that truly invests in its employees. The commitment to innovation and continuous professional development has kept me at the forefront of industry trends. 'Navabharat's' ambitious vision for the future makes it an excellent place to grow your career.

'नवभारत' में काम करना एक बड़े परिवार का हिस्सा होने की तरह है। सभी लोग इतने स्वागतपूर्ण और सहायक हैं। यह करियर को बढ़ाने और दोस्तों को जीवनभर के लिए बनाने के लिए एक महान स्थान है।

Working at Navabharat as a Circulation Executive has been exceptional. The team is supportive, the atmosphere is vibrant, and there are continuous opportunities for growth. If you seek excellence and innovation in your career, Navabharat is the place to be.

नवभारत में काम करना एक अद्भुत अनुभव रहा है। टीम सहयोगी है, वातावरण गतिशील है, और पत्रकारिता की सत्यनिष्ठा के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता प्रेरणादायक है। नवभारत पेशेवर विकास के शानदार अवसर प्रदान करता है और समाचार की दुनिया में वास्तविक प्रभाव डालने का मौका देता है। यदि आप पत्रकारिता के प्रति जुनूनी हैं, तो नवभारत ही वह जगह है जहां आपको होना चाहिए।

My journey with 'Navabharat' has been nothing short of exceptional. The camaraderie and support from colleagues have made my time here truly special. I’ve grown both professionally and personally, and I’m grateful for the countless opportunities I’ve been given.